OxFSN have developed a practical ‘Planning Ahead – All About Me Folder’ to help family carers pull together all the key information about their relative. Depending on where you are at in your planning journey and the current living circumstances of your relative, the folder can be used in different ways.
- It can provide key information about your relative to someone who has to step in to provide support in an emergency if your relative is still living at home.
- For families starting to plan ahead for where their relative may live in the future, it will provide the tools to help them think about where that may be and what level of support they may need.
- If your relative is already in supported living, it can include information that a relative or trusted other will need to know if they become the main contact.
The ‘Planning Ahead – All About Me Folder’ has been divided into different sections so that the information is easy to find. Some sections have forms that will need to be completed and printed off. Others have been left blank for the family carer to add their own information. Adapt the folder to suit your relative’s needs.
We would recommend that you start by completing the Learning Disability and Autism Crisis Care Plan and then work through the other sections completing any other forms in your own time. Include the latest copies of any paperwork that you get sent from Social Care, Health, Benefits etc such as the Care Act Assessment, Hospital passports, Health Action Plans, Communication Passports etc.
Keep the information up to date. It is particularly important for anyone stepping in at a moment’s notice that they have the most recent information about your relative. We recommend you set yourself a regular reminder to update the folder.
Lastly, don’t forget to let family and/or others involved in your relative’s life know about the ‘Planning Ahead – All About Me ‘Folder and where it is kept. Being able to quickly read through a short but detailed One Page Profile on how best to support your relative will be the best help they can get.
The folder is a guide only so include anything you feel would be helpful. Equally, if you think we have missed anything or something would work better in a different way please do get in touch by emailing info@oxfsn.org.uk.
The OxFSN Team.
To learn more about the information in each section, click on a folder icon to view and download the PDF document.
4. Learning Disability and/or Autism Crisis Care Plan.
Making an emergency plan.
Crisis Care Plan.
5. Adult Social Care Information.
Important legislation for Planning Ahead.
Adult Social Care Information.
Top Tip.
We recommend to include a copy of the:
- Support Plan.
- most recent Care Act Assessment.
- latest Social Care Review.
- Direct Payment Agreement (if applicable).
- Financial Assessment agreement.
6. Health Information.
Healthcare Information Form.
Health Information.
Top Tip.
We recommend to include a copy of the:
- Hospital Passport
- Health Action Plan
- Communication Passport
- Continuing Health Care Assessment (if applicable)
- Continuing Health care Agreement (if applicable)
7. Financial Information.
Managing a bank account for someone who lacks capacity to manage their own finances.
Financial Information.
Top Tip.
We recommend to include a copy of:
- the most recent letter from the DWP for each benefit received.
- any application forms for each benefit received.
9. Person Centred Planning Information.
Why person-centred planning helps when planning for the future.
Person Centred Planning Information.
Top Tip.
- Include any templates you complete.
10. Circles of Support.
Circles of Support – Why they help.
Circles of Support.
Top Tip.
- Include the names and contact details of any people involved in your relative’s circles of support.
11. Letter of Wishes – Hopes for the future.
What is a letter of wishes?
Letter of Wishes – Hopes for the future.
Top Tip.
- Include a copy of your letter of wishes or tell a trusted person where it can be found.
13. Supported Living Planning.
How to get the right housing and support.
Supported Living Planning.