Freeths legal services have worked with OxFSN to produce a Top Tips Guide to setting up a Trust and things that families need to consider.
OxFSN Q & A on Supported Living: What do you need to know?
An overview of Supported Living in Oxfordshire and what families need to think about when planning ahead from Oxfordshire County Council, Support Providers and Family carers for people with Learning Disabilities.
See the video recording of the OxFSN Q&A here on this page or on our OxFSN Youtube Video Channel:
To read the transcript of the recording see the PDF document: OxFSN Support Living Q & A
Digitising Care: Personalised solutions for people with learning disabilities
How using digital tools and solutions affects personalised care for people with learning disabilities
OxFSN joined forces with Learning Disability England and Brighton and Hove Speak Up to help NHS England understand how using digital solutions (eg online meetings and appointments with medical professionals) will affect the care people with learning disabilities get. The Personalised Care Group at NHS England wanted to know how digital tools and solutions for personalised care can be inclusive and meet the accessibility requirements of people with learning disabilities.
At OxFSN we know as family carers that our family members whether children or adults need support – usually ours as parents – to get medical help. Any changes in how that happened will affect our lives as family carers – for better or worse.
Three reports are available here:
Healthwatch Survey – Paying for social care
What is this about?
In 2018, Oxfordshire County Council did a review of its policy on what people pay towards their social care. These payments (called “contributions”) help to pay for social care services to help you in your daily life. After the review, your weekly payment towards the cost of these services may or may not have changed.
We would like to hear from you about your experiences of this process and how any changes to your weekly payment have affected you and those who support you.
Who we are and what are we asking for
Healthwatch Oxfordshire is an independent charity and is not part of the Council. We are here to help make sure that the voices of people who use support services are heard. We will use the information you provide us to tell the County Council what you think and to influence how it reviews policies in the future.
To participate in the Healthwatch Oxfordshire: Paying for your social care survey, follow the link to
Better Together 2019 Event Report
OxFSN’s second Better Together Event was held on the 7th November 2019 at Didcot Civic Hall.
It was attended by 52 Professionals from Health, Social Care, Education and the voluntary sector along with 42 family carers of children or adults with learning disabilities and/or autism. 3 adults with learning disabilities and their supporters also attended.
The event followed the format of a ‘World Café’. This year there were eight tables with one topic on each table. This was as a result of feedback from people attending the previous year’s event who felt they needed more time to discuss fewer topics.
Follow the link or click on the image to read the full report.
Better Together Event Report November 2019
To read previous Better Together Event Reports follow the link to: