Quality Checkers is a project where Oxfordshire County Council (OCC), My Life My Choice (MLMC) and Oxfordshire Family Support Network (OxFSN) are working together to improve quality, lives and services for people with learning disabilities and their families in Oxfordshire.
The Quality Checkers are a team of Experts by Experience – family carers and people with learning disabilities – who check how good the lives of people who use services in Oxfordshire are.
Quality Checkers do this by…
- Visiting people in their own homes.
- Spending time with people who use services and finding out what it is like for them.
Writing a report for the County Council, with our observations and recommendations. This is then shared with the Support Provider.
Quality Checkers is…
- Expert by Experience led
- Independent
- Based on the Reach Standards for Supported Living
- Focused on what a good life would look like
- For Oxfordshire based supported living services
- A partnership project between MLMC, OXFSN and OCC
- A way to celebrate all the great work that is going on
- A chance to highlight and improve the issues
- Looking to share good practice
Quality Checkers is not…
- About statistics
- Looking to name and shame services
What do they look for?
The job of the Quality Checkers is to see if you can answer yes to 11 statements that will help them to decide how good your support is.
The 11 statements are:
- I can choose who I live with
- I can choose where I live
- I can have my own home
- I can choose how I am supported
- I can choose who supports me
- I can get good support
- I can choose my friends and relationships
- I can choose how to be healthy and safe
- I can choose how I take part in my community
- I can have the same rights and responsibilities as other citizens
- I can get help to make changes in my life.
If you want to find out more about our Quality Checkers project please get in touch via our contact page.